Social Media Toolkit
Bullying Prevention
October is World Bullying Prevention Month. During the 2021-22 school year, nearly 20% of students across the U.S. ages 12-18 experienced bullying, and research indicates persistent bullying can lead to depression and anxiety, according to
Caregivers can have important conversations with their children about preventing bullying. These conversations can start in early childhood. Use social media posts, resources and graphics in this toolkit to help caregivers empower their children to be anti-bullying champions.
The messages and links can be used as is, or they can be customized for your community by directing people to your prevention program's information. Resources, such as videos, facts about bullying, and laws and policies, are available at
Connect with us on our Get Parenting Tips Facebook page, Instagram account or online for more helpful resources.
Sample Social Media Posts
Hashtags: #BullyingPreventionMonth #StopBullying #AntiBullying #BullyingPrevention #ChooseKindness #EndBullying
Special Dates
- October is World Bullying Prevention Month. To learn more about bullying and how to prevent it, visit
- October is Bullying Prevention Month. Learn what teens struggle with and how parents can help them thrive. Visit
- October is World Bullying Prevention Month. Together we can create communities that are kinder. Teach your kid to be somebody's hero. To learn more, visit
Awareness Posts
- Protect your kid from the effects of cyberbullying. Learn how to talk to your kids about mental health and suicide prevention at
- Bullying hurts. The emotional effects of bullying can last a lifetime. Learn how to talk to your kids and help keep them safe at
- Prevent bullying by encouraging kindness and acceptance. Learn how at
- Bullying hurts. If you or your kid need help, the Texas Youth Helpline is free and available 24/7:
Call or text: 800-989-6884
Sample Images
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